Fun: Most Interesting Facts You May Not Know..!!

Hey Folks, How are ya...!!? I been reading Quora and found something very interesting. Here are some of the facts that you may not know...!!


(1) You can use a Fibonacci sequence to convert from miles to kilometres and vice-versa. 
e.g. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13... 5 miles is 8 kilometres, 3 kilometres is 2 miles.

(2) In a deck of cards, The King of Hearts does not have a mustache.

(3) Fish can drown in water.

They don't actually breathe water but filter oxygen out of it, and if it isn't sufficiently aerated, they'll asphyxiate.

(4) A can of regular Coke sinks in water, whereas a can of diet Coke does not !

(5) Screen savers were actually meant to save your screen.

During the times of early CRT monitors, if the same image was continuously displayed on the screen for a long time it would suffer a phosphor burn-in, which is permanent discolouration of certain areas causing image degradation and ghost images.

Screen savers were designed to mitigate this effect by making sure that the screen is either blanked out or filled with continuously changing images or patterns so this burn-in would not occur.


  • Goto YouTube
  • Play any video.
  • Pause that video.
  • Type 1980, without clicking anywhere. Just hit the keys.
  • Enjoy the game of Missile Command.
Works fine in Chrome, Firefox, SeaMonkey, IE, Opera.

(7)  If an alien located 60-65 million light years away from us, looked at earth through a really powerful telescope today, he would see only Dinosaurs!

(8) Mice and humans share 98% DNA. It takes changing only 2% of mice DNA to make a human being (if it were that easy). That's why most experiments are conducted on mice.
(9) People who have the Anton-Babinski syndrome are blind but they don't know that they're blind. Pretty cool eh? If you ask them "How many fingers am I holding up?", they will make up a number and tell you. If you say that they're wrong, they'll make up excuses like "I didn't wear my glasses today" or "I have a headache, I can't concentrate today".

(10) The brain named itself. [Hah...!! I knew it...!!]

(11) 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' is the fear of long words' [I guess you read it wrong...!! Read again..!!]

(12) 40 is a beautiful number.
It is the only number which has its alphabets sorted in order.

(13) Sloths can starve on a full stomach because their digestive system are so slow.

(14) The sentence "This exceeding trifling witling, considering ranting criticizing concerning adopting fitting wording being exhibiting transcending learning, was displaying, notwithstanding ridiculing, surpassing boasting swelling reasoning, respecting correcting erring writing, and touching detecting deceiving arguing during debating." is grammatically correct.

(15) Centipedes always have an odd-number of pairs of legs, meaning you will never find one born with exactly 100 legs.

(16) A prison in Brazil allows inmates to pedal on exercise bikes to power lights in a nearby town in exchange for reduced sentences.

(17) In Colorado you need State permission to collect rain water that falls from the sky. Even on your own property.

(18) The longest ever rally in a professional tennis match lasted 643 shots and over 29 minutes.

(19) Drug lord Pablo Escobar had so much cash that rats ate almost $1 billion of his money each year.

(20) Porn is illegal in the Ukraine, unless it's prescribed for medical use.

(21) In any given year, the dates 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10 and 12/12 all fall on the same day of the week.

(22) the longest word you can type using just the first row of your keyboard is:

(23) "If you could fold a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach the moon"
Simple Maths, but tough to relate to this fact considering that the thickness of an average paper sheet is 0.01 cm and distance  of moon from earth is 384,000 kilometers!.

(24) The Movie Titanic Was Filmed In A Plastic Pool.

(25) You can not read in a dream because dreaming and reading are functions of different sides of the brain which do not co-operate in dreams.

(26) Russia is bigger than Pluto. 

Pluto's surface area is about 16,650,000 sq. km. and Russia is 17,075,400 sq. km.

(27) The tiny island-nation of Tuvalu, located somewhere between Australia and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, receives a yearly payment of almost $4 million for doing nothing at all.

The reason? This is the money that the Tuvalu government receives from royalties from the country's domain name, .tv!


(29) On Saturn's moon Titan, the gravity is low enough and the atmosphere thick enough, that by attaching small wings to your arms, you could fly like a bird. 

Source Here.

(30) World's largest island within a lake on an island within a lake on an island -

"The world’s largest island within a lake on an island within a lake on an island! Can you picture that? Vulcan point is a small volcanic island within the 2km large Crater Lake of the Taal Volcano on Volcano Island in Taal lake on Luzon Island, Phillippines, in the pacific ocean."

(31) The bushes in mario were just recolored clouds.


(33) Scotland's national animal is the Unicorn.

And there are many more of them... These are the compiled list of the whole article and comments I read on quora.. Hope you have enjoyed this article..

Later Folks..... :)


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